速報APP / 生產應用 / Rabbit Farm

Rabbit Farm





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Cairo , Egypt

Rabbit Farm(圖1)-速報App

Rabbit farm is an application for the management of rabbit farms in a simple, easy and convenient manner for all modes of education.

This application helps you to store all the female information and records from pollination, delivery, and weaning, and stores the male application and calculates its records automatically, and helps you to know the information of the woman for all females and for each female automatically, also you can learn a life card for every female and every male.

The application gives you notice of the timing of the time and the place of the house and the vaccination and the birth and weaning you can change the settings for alerts, periods, pollination, home, and weaning from the application settings.

Shortcut button There are females vaccinated on the same date, females with positive and empty females for ease of adoption, and this is done automatically.

Rabbit Farm(圖2)-速報App

And a lot and a lot we leave you with the app to find out.


All Rights reserved

Programming and Design ALAlfy.com

Rabbit Farm(圖3)-速報App

Icons and images Flaticon.com

Rabbit Farm(圖4)-速報App